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NASA California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory

ATMOS ATLAS-3 Mission Solar Spectra

Directory Architecture:

	README		-	this file	-	reference header information
	pat3.f03ss.sun	-	spectrum
	pat3.f04ss.sun	-	spectrum
	pat3.f09ss.sun	-	spectrum
	pat3.f12ss.sun	-	spectrum


Following the first flight of the ATMOS instrument on Spacelab 3, the first high resolution infrared solar spectra were published covering the 2 - 16 wavelengths. The last shuttle flight of the ATMOS instrument provided a significantly larger number of observation opportunities from which a much higher signal-to-noise ratio average solar spectra have been created (see Abrams, et al, 1996).

These averages are available through ftp to or can be requested on cd-rom.

Data Description:

The full ATMOS sensor response (600-4800 cm-1) is limited to smaller spectral intervals by optical bandpass filters, of which solar averages have been created from the following regions:

                  Filter #     Bandpass
                    12        600 - 1400
                     9        600 - 2450
                     3       1580 - 3350
                     4       3150 - 4800

The spectra are labeled 'at3.fXss.sun', where X corresponds to 12, 9, 3, or 4 as in the above table.

Data Format:

Each spectrum file is a 1-D binary array of 2-byte signed integers (big endian: hi-byte, lo-byte). The number of points (Num_Pts below) is thus 0.5 * the file size in bytes.

On a MAC or Sun, these can be read directly to an integer array, using for example, a C fread() routine. On a DEC or PC, a byte swap would have to be performed following the read operation. (In FORTRAN the process is more complicated because the data is pure binary and has no record terminators.)

Important ancillary information necessary to recreate the frequency scale are provided in the file "". For each spectrum the following information is given in a single line:

Field                    Contents
=================        =================================================
Run_ID                   Run label, (yymmddhhmmss), giving GMT of measurement
                         optionally preceeded by an "r" for a ratioed
                         spectrum.  Spectrum file name is this Run ID
                         preceeded with a "p".
Filt                     ATMOS optical filter number (1-13)
Locat                    Observation location or mission name
F/R                      Forward/reverse instrument scan
Alias                    Alias number (1 or 2)
Loc_Mx                   Index of maximum spectral point
Num_Intf                 Number of interferogram points
N_Fring                  Number of laser fringes
FFT_sz                   Fourier transform size
I_First                  Index of first point saved
Num_Pts                  Number of points in file
Step                     Step size in fringes,
                         between successive interferogram samples
SP_Max                   Maximum value of spectrum
ZPD_GMT                  GMT of ZPD point (seconds since midnight), 
                         transformed to give run label
Obs_Alt                  Observation altitude (km)
Obs_Lat                  Observation latitude (decimal degrees)
Obs_Lon                  Observation longitude (decimal degrees)
Tan_Ht                   Tangent height (km) - derived from data
TP_Lat                   Tangent point latitude (decimal degrees) - calculated
TP_Lon                   Tangent point longitude (decimal degrees) - calculated
Tan_Pres                 Retrieved tangent pressure (bars) - derived from data
Pres_Err                 Retrieved tangent pressure error (bars)
FOV_Mag                  Magnification for internal field of view 
                         (constant for ATMOS at 2.7)
Ext_FOV                  External field of view (mrad), 
                         variable according to optical filter used
SC_Dopp                  Estimated spacecraft doppler shift along line of sight
Las_Sem_Frq              Laser semi-frequency (cm-1)
Frq_Cor_Fac              Instrument line frequency correction
Sc_Factor                Rescaling factor to convert integer spectral values to real
Start_Frq                Approx. starting frequencies for spectrum (cm-1)
End_Frq                  Approx. ending frequencies for spectrum (cm-1)
Comments                 Comments, usually the occultation name

The file can be read using the following read and format statements:
      read (20,810) runlabl,afilter,obsloc,forrev,
     &              aalias,mxpptloc,numint,afring,afftsiz,afirst,
     &              numprim,step,spmaxval,zpdgmt,obsalt,latitude,
     &              longtude,tanht,tplat,tplon,tanpres,preserr,
     &              fovmag,extfov,scdopp,lasemfrq,wifact,
     &              spec_x_fac,sig0,sig1,acomment

810   format(a16,2x,a2,2x,a8,1x,a2,i5,i9,i9,i8,i8,i8,i8,f6.1,f10.5,
     &       f11.2,f9.3,f8.2,f9.2,f9.3,f8.2,f9.2,2x,e10.4,2x,e11.4,
     &       f9.2,f7.3,2x,e11.4,f11.4,f14.9,e11.4,f11.4,f11.4,2x,a72)

Data Scaling:

The spectra are stored as an integer array to conserve space. The spectral points can be rescaled to their original values by multiplying by Sc_Factor.

Frequency Scaling:

The frequency interval between successive points is determined from,

        Freq_Int = Corr * Las_Sem_Frq / (Step *FFT_sz)
where the correction factor, Corr, is very nearly 1.0.
e.g.    Freq_Int = 7899.0015/(2.0*524288) = 0.0075331 cm-1
The frequency corresponding to each spectral point is found using,
        freq[i] = Freq_Int * [ (i - 1) + (I_First - 1) + FFT_sz*(Alias - 1) ]
where array indices are assumed to start at 1 (not 0).

For greater accuracy, the frequency interval can be corrected by,

                             Frq_Cor_Fac * (1 + SC_Dopp)
        Corr = --------------------------------------------------------
              [1 - (Ext_FOV/1000)*(Ext_FOV/1000)*(FOV_Mag)*(FOV_Mag)/16]

Acknowledgements - This work was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

You can find these examples of ATMOS ATLAS-3 solar spectra by anonymous ftp to

Go back to the previous page.

File modified by: A. Chang 3-16-98 / Links updated by Bill Irion 3/19/01.