More Information on the ER-2
instruments are located in the nose of the airplane, its belly (the so-called
"Q bay"), and inside the large pods of each wing. The
instruments must be capable of obtaining measurements in a completely autonomous
fashion because the pilot focuses only on flying the aircraft. During
instrument load-up and preparation prior to flight, the nose of the plane and
its pods are detached, and the part of the plane's belly is "dropped",
allowing access to instruments by investigators. The photograph on the
right was taken prior to instrument load-up during the POLARIS mission in
Fairbanks, Alaska.
Several frequently asked questions regarding the ER-2 are:
is the fuel?
can the plane land only on the two small wheels along the fuselage?
The answer to the first question is easy: the fuel is located
in the wings, which have a total surface area larger than most one-bedroom
apartments! Most of the fuselage is a rocket engine. The plane is
essentially a rocket with glider wings.
The answer to the second question is a bit more involved.
Indeed, the plane lands using only its two small wheels. The pilot has a
difficult balancing act to keep the wings from scraping the runway as the plane
slows after touch down. As the plane slows, ground support personnel ride
along side in a truck. Just before the plane comes to a halt, a person
jumps out of the truck, grabs hold of the wing, jogs along side the plane during
its last few yards of motion, and balances the plane as it comes to a complete
standstill. Other people then attach
temporary wheels called "pogos"
to each wing (the orange pogos are visible from each wing in the above
photograph). Once the two "pogos" are secured, the personnel
clear out of the way (actually, they race back to the hangar in preparation of
their other duties), and the pilot brings the plane under its own power back to
the hangar. By the way, the "pogos" are attached as the plane
takes off and are designed to fall off just as the plane clears the runway.
The photo on the left shows an ER-2 pilot disembarking
after an 8 hour science flight. His pressurized suit is reminiscent of the
space suits worn by the early astronauts.
A fascinating account of the design of the U-2 aircraft (the predecessor
of the ER-2) is given by Ben Rich and Leo Janos in their book entitled Skunk
Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed (Little Brown & Co.,
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Author: Ross J. Salawitch
Page Design: Aaron B. Milam