The NASA DC-8 airplane. The plane flies in the lowermost stratosphere, at about 40,000 feet altitude. It houses a sophisticated scientific laboratory that samples air outside the aircraft (using "in situ" instruments) and air at considerable distances above and below the aircraft (using "remote" instruments). The JPL Microwave Temperature Profiler is the first device mounted onto a window frame. It is followed by various inlets for brining outside air into instruments. This airplane has considerably greater flight range than the other two aircraft, enabling more comprehensive sampling of stratospheric conditions. One of its primary uses during this mission was to obtain measurements directly under a spaceborne satellite sensor named SAGE III (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment)

Scientists who ride on this airplane invariably set personal records for:

They are also sometimes treated to spectacular sights of nature, as revealed in the photographs of polar stratosheric clouds that appear below.

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